Saturday, October 6, 2012

Wanted: Relief From Drastic Climate Change

As some may have guessed, I am from the tundra of the Midwest--Illinois. This state has prepared me to take what half percent or so that I might possess of viking and placed a keen survival instinct deep in my brain. However, sometimes this drop of fortuitous ancestry has left me ill-prepared for the horrendous nature that is the first feel of fall. Illinois boasts four very distinct seasons, what with its scorching summers and freezing winters, and the in betweens--fall and spring? well they do their own unpredictable patterns. That's probably a win-win for evolution (if you buy into that, I certainly do not), considering not a single organisms knows its happening...the climate change that is.

I have lived all 20 years of my life in this state and have just drawn a conclusion that there is no conclusive, nailed down, or prepared time in which the weather decides to change or how it will change. In 2011 (last year), it seemed to be warm forever. In fact, I remember going to a final in just a tshirt and yoga pants! However, this year is proving to be an especially freezing one.  I've had to don mittens indoors far too many times than I'd like to imagine, and I'm not ashamed to note that I also have Amazon open in another tab looking for heated blankets online.

Main point of the story, friends, is to always prepare for the apocalypse that is the yearly climate change. Here are some of my very favorite fall warmth tips:

Keep a tea cupboard stocked with your favorite flavors, just in case!
Have a good pair of mittens
microfleece socks so your toes don't freeze
heated blankets to snuggle and read with
Turn on space heaters while waiting for central heat to work.
grandpa sweaters...because they're awesome

Oh no, I'm turning into that lady talking about the weather. Maybe I should try to clean my house.

Until next time!

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